
March 25 Corrections

In the March 11, 2009 issue of The Guardsman regarding an article titled “Despite problems, new Bay Bridge on schedule,” some reporting errors occurred. Parts of the articles should have read as follows:

  • The story should have read that cracks were found in temporary welds, not steel components. Temporary welds used to hold steel in place were discovered to have cracks in them. Steel components were fine. A study was done to see if cracking in these temporary welds could effect the bridge over the long term. This error was repeated later in the story.
  • Caltrans did not terminate the contract with MacTec, as reported. Their contract was extended as long as it could be, according to state rules. When the subsequent contract went out to bid, Caltrop won the bid. MacTec was not dismissed by the state during the transition.
  • The name of the Public Information Officer for the California Department of Transportation should have read Ney, not Nay.
  • After Loma Prieta the bridge was upgraded seismically. A quote in the story read that the bridge was repaired in a month, but not made seismically safe.
  • Yerba Buena Island should have read YBI Transition Structure.
The Guardsman